Legal Documents

Spring Valley Mutual Water Association is a Colorado nonprofit corporation which was formed January 18, 1966 to own and operate the subdivision's water system. The registered address of the corporation is 3825 Spring Valley Road, Boulder, CO 80304. The original articles of incorporation were filed with the Colorado Secretary of State on October 25, 1965 and along with the association bylaws, rules, and regulations have been updated periodically over the years.

Historically, the water district provided each new homeowner in the district with a 3-ring binder with then-current versions of these documents, however this practice ended sometime in the late 1990s. New homeowners can find publicly-recorded documents in their title insurance package, or click on the accompanying links to access more legible pdf versions from the association files.

These documents are provided as a convenience for our members and are believed to be the most recent revision, but this cannot always be guaranteed.