Water Rates / Policies

Spring Valley's annual groundwater supply is limited to 12 acre-feet which must be shared by 36 households. This water supply was engineered based on professional analysis of our historical usage over several decades, and has been more than adequate for normal domestic purposes, including reasonable summer irrigation.*

Water Rates: Our tiered water rate structure is designed to encourage water consciousness and homeowners are forewarned that water rates increase dramatically with high usage. Excess usage will incur severe financial penalties and continued excess usage may result in discontinuation of service. Our current water rates and policies are available from the following link:

Excess Usage: While water consciousness and conservation are encouraged, excess usage may infrequently occur for many reasons. Recognizing the financial hardship which may result from accidental (as opposed to intentional) excess usage, the following financial relief process may be requested by written appeal to the SVMWA board. The following link describes the appeal process for financial relief and the discretionary review policy which will be considered by the water board:

* Note: Please do not use Spring Valley water to fill swimming pools or provide irrigation for extensive landscaping without first contacting SVMWA to verify that sufficient water rights are available.